Writing Reviews
“Humorous (sometimes darkly so) as well as poignant… Nancy Van Iderstine writes about the cool treatment she used to get as a childless woman when going for her check up at the OB/GYN. She still wonders if the newfound empathy she now receives is because she has had a hysterectomy and can’t have children, rather than simply never getting around to it when she had the chance.”
-Zetta Brown, Editor in Chief, LL-Publications – review of
“No Kidding: Women Writers On Bypassing Parenthood”
“Within the very demanding, deadline-driven entertainment industry, Nancy consistently produces creative, on-target copy with impact – always on time. Producers, directors, brand managers and even talent sometimes have a say in the tone of any given piece of writing. Nancy incorporates their requests, which may be at odds with one another, and still hits her mark, all while seemingly staying sane and keeping us laughing.”
-John D’Agostino, Vice President, Creative Services,
20th Century Studios (then Twentieth Century Fox)
“Simple Air by Nancy Van Iderstine wins the prize hands down as the funniest playlet… I don't want to spoil this one by giving away too much of the plot, but you will see the Amish break rules and have more fun in fifteen minutes than you could ever possibly imagine.”
-Don Grigware, BROADWAY WORLD – Theatre Review
“Simple Air by Nancy Van Iderstine ended up my personal fave of the ten… Now let me reveal this evolves into a musical. Yes, a ten-minute musical. A ten-minute hip-hop musical complete with backup dancers! 'Nuff said. If you're not tempted by that description, I don't know what to say.”
-Zahir Blue, NIGHT-TINTED GLASSES – Theatre Review
“Nancy consistently produces entertaining, thought-provoking articles with amazing eloquence, speed and economy. And although she has real passion for her subject matter, her work never comes off preachy. Instead, her insights give readers an opportunity to consider things with a far greater perspective than they may have had to begin with.”
-Christi Metropole, Executive Director, Stray Cat Alliance – Publisher of “The Scratching Post”
Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2013
I am really inspired by this little gem which I found just by googling! I have to go Gluten Free and I have no experience or patience in the kitchen! These recipes suit me and my lifestyle completely! Not to mention, the artwork is just as nurturing as the food. I feel a blend of old-school kitchen comfort while enjoying some cosmopolitan delicacies!
-"Little Filly" Amazon customer
Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2013
Verified Purchase
Really like these recipes. Very clear instructions and not too many ingredients! I've already tried three of them and liked them all very much. Nicely illustrated too.
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